Oxford Abstracts

Abstract Management

For the full list of videos, take a look at our YouTube channel

Setting Up And Adding The Key Event Details

6 minutes

Clicking the Event details option in the menu on the event dashboard allows you to add/view/edit key information relating to the event, including title, venue, date(s), logo, email address, phone number etc.

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The Options For Collecting Abstracts - PDF or via forms?

6 minutes

There are two ways of collecting abstracts - through the default abstract question on the submission form or by requesting a file upload. Alice explains the pros and cons of each option.

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Designing The Submission Form

6 minutes

Learn how to design the submission form so you can collect the information and data you need.

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Opening, Closing And Limiting Submissions

6 minutes

As well as opening and closing submissions, you can also allow for other scenarios - e.g. new submissions only, late-breaking, or only those with complete submissions to do a rework.

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Assigning And Unassigning A Submission To A Reviewer

6 minutes

Assigning submissions to a reviewer(s) is simple.

However, before you can assign reviewers, you must add them to the system.

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How Do I Edit A User's Submission?

6 minutes

You may find you are required to edit a user's submission.

It's a straightforward process, and any updates will be recorded in the 'last updated by' column in the submission tables.

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