Oxford Abstracts

- 4 min read

So much more than abstract management

Oxford Abstracts is well known as a cost effective and flexible system to manage abstract submission for your academic conferences. However, you can also use it to manage a lot more than just abstracts.

Having gone to all the trouble of collecting, grading and organising the abstracts, there are many ways that you can add value to your conference at little or no extra cost. With Oxford Abstracts you can collect additional material such as full papers, posters or presentations. Some of our clients that have transitioned to virtual conferences are using our software to collect recorded presentations that can be made available to the reviewers and shown on the conference program. Anything that can be uploaded to the web, be it a file or a link to a file stored on a service such as YouTube, or even a live webinar broadcast on Zoom, can be collected on the Oxford Abstracts software.

What is the process?

When and how you collect the additional material is entirely up to you. You can ask the submitting author to include it in the original submission. This has the advantage of being able to collect all the material up front but you might find that some submitters will be reluctant to go to the trouble of preparing a poster, for example, if they are not sure if their abstract is going to be accepted for the academic conference.

In order to minimise the workload on the submitting authors and maximise the number of abstracts submitted to a research conference, don't ask your authors to submit all this material at the start of the process. Just collect the abstracts and essential information at the first stage, use multistage submission and collect the rest later. It is an easy task to ask the submitters of the accepted abstracts to log back in and submit additional material such as full papers, posters or presentations. Our super flexible submission form builders allow you to hide original questions or make them read only. For example, you may want the submitter to see the title of the abstract they submitted but not be able to change that title when they upload the full paper. Our powerful abstract management software will deal with any likely scenario. With the increasing switch to virtual conferences, many clients are already using Oxford Abstracts to collect recorded presentations.

What about visibility?

Privacy and data security is one of our main priorities. With our software you can specify if the reviewers should be able to view the additional material, if the committee members should access it and if the file or link should appear on the conference program. With our Platinum Package you can even allow the submitting author to specify if the uploaded file can be viewed on the conference program.

How do I manage invited speakers?

It is a simple process to use our software to collect material from your invited speakers. Simply add another stage and submission form for your invited speakers. This can be a simplified version of the abstract submission form with a later deadline and you can then send the link to the invited speakers only. Alternatively, as an administrator, you can add the invited speaker information yourself to save them time.

Bringing everything together - abstracts, posters, papers and invited talks, allows you to make the best of our easy-to-use conference program. You can include all the various elements, and give your delegates easy access to the information they need to get the most out of your academic conference.

Why not request a demo and discover how Oxford Abstracts can help you deliver a successful academic conference?