Oxford Abstracts
Kristy Law's face

Kristy Law

- 5 min read

The Top Medical Conferences To Attend In 2023

A fresh year means a fresh list of the top worldwide medical conferences you should attend.

Conferences are a fantastic way to meet your peers, discover the latest research and to present your own work to the world.

From conferences, collaborations can happen to result in phenomenal results for the future of your sector.

Here at Oxford Abstracts, we’ve put together the Top Worldwide Medical Conferences that will benefit you to attend.

International Public Health Conference (2nd Edition)

16-18 March 2023 | Singapore | Hybrid

This conference, although in its infancy, shouldn’t be missed.

As the world navigates its way through the post-pandemic phase of Covid-19, and as we learn to live with Covid-19, this conference is looking at how to “Restrain Pandemics Through Exploration of Trends and Public Health Challenges”.

It will look to investigate and assess the capabilities of Public Health Interventions in limiting the pandemic by discussing:

  • What they were

  • How were they put in place

  • What was the outcome

  • What was learnt

  • What should be done in the future

World Congress on Osteoporosis and Musculoskeletal Diseases

4 - 7 May 2023 | Barcelona, Spain

This worldwide conference brings everyone together within this sector to discuss what is happening within this area of medicine, what advancements are on the horizon, and how current research and results can be put into practice.

There are an array of sessions happening over the three days, all providing the latest findings, including:

  • Symposiums

  • Lectures

  • Scientific Sessions

  • Presentations of awards

  • Meet-the-expert-sessions

  • Poster viewing

  • Oral sessions from chosen abstracts

EuroMedLab 2023

21-25 May 2023 | Rome, Italy | Hybrid

Welcome to the leading forum for laboratory medicine and the clinical chemistry sector. They aim to facilitate scientific advancements and exchange within this field.

The conference brings together clinicians, lab specialists and leading experts from across the globe in one place.

Focussing on how to advance healthcare as a whole, there will be lectures, symposia, poster sessions, sponsored workshops and an exhibition, providing you with an opportunity to network, learn and incorporate findings and suggestions into your own work.

18th Congress of the Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association

30 June - 3 July 2023 | Chicago, USA

This bi-annual conference provides a space for the open exchange of knowledge and expertise to help promote the transplantation and rehabilitation sciences, bringing together scientists and clinicians from all four corners of the world.

It involves many avenues, including nutrition, surgery and medical therapies through the best quality research, education and development of policies within this sector.

It’s a jam-packed event and includes workshops, presentations, abstract sessions, Q&A’s and more, covering many topics within this realm, with a lot of information and the latest research being open for discussion and further development.

5th World Congress on Diabetes & Endocrinology

12-13 July 2023 | Paris, France

The theme for this conference is “Novel therapeutic approaches for prevention of diabetes and exploring the diabetic complications”, aiming to raise awareness about diabetes and the risks it can cause with endocrinology.

Scientists and researchers are encouraged to highlight the importance of their role within this sector and to connect with others to promote further research and scientific study.

All those in this field and fields that intertwine with diabetes and endocrinology, such as - obesity specialists, nutritionists, and healthcare personnel, are encouraged to attend to help further advance research within this area.

45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

24-28 July 2023 | Sydney, Australia

Conferences do not come much bigger than this one, with its main purpose to help the biomedical engineering community and bring all in this sector together to work collectively.

It’s the world's biggest international society of biomedical engineers.

This year's conference will cover many topics within this field, including:

  • Biomedical Engineering Education and Society

  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Engineering

  • Biomedical Signal Processing

  • Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering

  • Biorobotics and Biomechanics

  • Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Systems

  • And more

There will be many sessions spread over three and half days, including poster sessions, keynote speakers and oral sessions.

International Cancer Conference 6th Edition

17 - 19 August 2023 | London, UK | Hybrid

This year's main focus is “Stretching Wings to Fight Cancer through Unified Research Approaches.”

Well known amongst oncology fellows and the cancer research community across the globe, including doctors, caregivers, researchers, scientists, patient activists and more; this conference provides the valuable tools and platform to share the recent developments in cancer therapy through interaction and education for all those attending.

There will be an abundance of information from across the board, including what the latest research is on: cancer metabolism, oncology, diagnosis, chemotherapy drugs and more.

There will be several varying sessions to be a part of, from oral presenters, panel discussions, poster presentations, and keynote speakers.

So to find out the latest and most effective research findings in cancer diagnosis, treatment, care and diagnosis, head to the link above to get your tickets.

ESC Society of Cardiology Congress 2023

25 - 28 August 2023 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

This year’s European Society of Cardiology conference theme is ‘joining forces to protect the heart’, helping to shape the future of cardiology.

Over the four days, you’ll be able to connect with and hear from fellows within this specialised field to truly help drive forward this year's message and work towards advancements in the cardiological world.

If you would like to find out what other conferences we recommend, you can view the following articles:

Top Orthopaedic Conferences of 2023

Top Biology Conferences of 2023

Top Sustainability Conferences of 2023

Top Science Conferences of 2023

Kristy Law's face

Kristy Law

Content Manager

Kristy is the Content Manager mastermind at Oxford Abstracts. She is the lady of words and lives for writing content that truly makes a difference.

She also enjoys Halloween far more than the average person should at her age!