Kristy Law
- 3 min read
New for January - Major Delegate Registration Upgrade - More Power & Flexibility

Table of contents
Here at Oxford Abstracts, we welcome 2023 with an immense upgrade to our delegate registration feature, which we know you’ll love.
Our new system allows admins to create registrations for even the most complex of events, and it has been tailored to meet the needs of all academic conferences.
With its improved look, design and feel, attendee registration is easy and simple to use, yet has incredible power and tools - some upgraded, others brand new to the software
So what is included?
We are excited to introduce flexibility to admins covering all areas you can think of when creating and configuring attendee registration for an event.
Tickets and Coupons
None more so than when it comes to creating tickets and coupons. No matter how big or small the academic event, you can now create:
Unlimited amount of ticket groups, with as many amounts of tickets per group
Configure add-ons to sell with specific tickets
Create coupons and easily assign to tickets and add-ons of your choice
Can add multiple coupons to one ticket (e.g. student membership/member discount)
Add percentage discount amount to a coupon
Attendees purchasing tickets for themselves must now complete the required fields on the registration form - this previously wasn’t a requirement
Buying on behalf of someone has been streamlined and simplified, hugely reducing any chance of confusion
Registration Form
Often a laborious task, creating the registration form is now simple and easy to do.
You can:
Ask specific questions to specific groups or add-on holders
If hosting a gala dinner, dietary-related questions can be shown to those that are purchasing a gala dinner ticket
Have questions you only want to ask those purchasing an “in-person” ticket? Then you can select that only these tickets show the specific question.
Add Taxes
Another NEW feature is efficiently adding the amount of tax (multiple taxes if applicable) to the price of your tickets and not just VAT.
It’s now easier than ever to process refunds (both full and partial) back to attendees via Stripe - something that is completely NEW to the system.
Anything else?
Oh yes!
We have an attendee table and a transactional table for admins to have a full view of revenue (broken down into gross/net), as well as the clear sight of all attendees, whether they have paid, been refunded, and what tickets and add-ons they have bought.
Plus, there is enhanced filtering for ease of use, including - search boxes, filters/columns and status boxes, to speed up the process
One huge bonus and another new feature is in analytics.
Admins can now view the total order count and how many page views, all while tracking the success of their campaign.
You can probably tell we’ve been excited to launch this, and we know you will be too.
We can’t wait to help enhance your academic conference, and the best news is….
It’s available across all our packages - hoorah!
Want to know more?
Of course you do - get in touch with our Customer Success Team today!