Oxford Abstracts

Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement applies to the signup and login pages, submission form, author form, review form, exhibitor touchpoints, registration service, and the virtual conference platform. It does not apply to the administrator’s platform.

The following domains that apply to this accessibility statement are run by Oxford Abstracts:

We want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to use our services and our aim is for all domains run by Oxford Abstracts to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards. These include elements such as:

  • Alt text for all images and providing non-visual alternatives where appropriate
  • All essential audiovisual information is captioned, described as necessary or provided in alternative formats
  • Ability to zoom in without text spilling over
  • Content can be navigated with just a keyboard or speech recognition tools
  • The website can be used with a screen reader
  • Content is structured, ordered and labelled appropriately

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

How accessible are our domains?

We know some parts of our websites are not fully accessible. For example, we've found the following issues on our domains:

  • some text across the platforms are too small or in the have insufficient colour contrast with background colour
  • some images lack alternative text
  • you cannot modify the line height or spacing of text
  • not all functionality is accessible using non mouse control
  • there are icons that do not have screen reader text
  • most PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software

Our product consists of hundreds of pages, and we are actively working to address parts of the product where accessibility needs improvement. We have audited our domains using Google’s automated testing tool Lighthouse. Please read the “Audit findings summary” section below for more detail and summary of the audit.

Reporting accessibility problems or providing feedback

If you have any issues with accessibility of our domains, or if you have any questions related to this accessibility statement, please contact us at: support@oxfordabstracts.com.

Audit findings summary

We are committed to making all of our domains accessible and meeting WCAG 2.1 AA standards. As part of this, we have conducted an audit of our domains and share a summary of where we do and do not conform.



  • Colours have sufficient contrast ratio
  • Buttons have accessible names
  • Image elements have alt attributes
  • ARIA IDs are unique
  • Page is zoomable
  • Links have discernible names
  • Heading elements appear in sequential order

Not compliant:

  • Image elements don’t have alt attributes
  • No language attribute

Submission form


  • Colours have sufficient contrast ratio
  • Buttons have accessible names
  • Image elements have alt attributes

Not compliant:

  • Checkboxes are missing labels
  • Links do not have discernable name
  • Missing language attribute

Author form


  • Colours have sufficient contrast ratio
  • Buttons have accessible names
  • Image elements have alt attributes
  • Links do not have discernable name
  • Document has titles
  • ID attributes have active focusable, elements are unique

Not compliant

  • Missing label elements for author questions
  • Low contrast text on author form
  • Missing language attribute
  • Lists do not contain any list elements
  • Heading elements are not in sequentially descending order

Review form


  • Colours have sufficient contrast ratio
  • Buttons have accessible names
  • Image elements have alt attributes
  • Links do not have discernable name
  • Document has titles
  • ID attributes have active focusable, elements are unique
  • Heading elements appear in sequentially descending order

Not compliant

  • Colour contrast issue with some text and button
  • No language attribute
  • No alt text attribute on images

User dashboard (submitters, authors, reviewers)


  • Colours have sufficient contrast ratio
  • Buttons have accessible names
  • Image elements have alt attributes
  • Links do have discernable name
  • Document has titles

Not compliant

  • Lists do not contain elements
  • Missing language attribute
  • Colour contrast not high enough on some text

Virtual conference platform - landing page, titles page, participant


  • Sufficient colour contrast ratio (however customisable by event admin)
  • Form elements have associated labels
  • Attributes on active elements are unique

Not compliant

  • No alt text on images
  • Colour contrast issue on some text
  • Buttons don’t have accessible naming
  • Missing language attribute
  • ARIA IDs are not unique on search box titles page

Virtual conference platform - schedule and in-session view


  • Contrast on web sufficient
  • Form elements have associated labels
  • Heading elements appear in sequentially descending order
  • ARIA IDs are unique
  • Links have discernible name

Not compliant

  • Colour contrast on mobile insufficient
  • No alt text attribute
  • Heading element not in sequential order
  • No title on embedded youtube iframe in session overlay

Virtual conference - bookmarks page


  • Form elements have associated labels
  • Sufficient colour contrast
  • Links have discernable name
  • Heading elements appear in sequentially descending orde

Not compliant

  • Buttons don’t have labels
  • No alt text for contributor avatars
  • Some ID attributes are not unique

Poster gallery


  • Form elements have associated labels
  • zooming is not disabled for users with low vision
  • Attributes on active elements are unique
  • Links have discernible name

Not compliant

  • No alt text
  • Colour contrast issues with text
  • Buttons do not have text
  • Youtube iframe elements do not have title
  • Heading elements are not sequentially descending

Virtual conference - chat and networking features


  • Background and foreground have sufficient contrast

Not compliant

  • Buttons don’t have labels
  • Image elements don’t have alt attributes
  • Links don’t have discernable names

Virtual conference - exhibitors


  • Background and foreground have sufficient contrast
  • Attributes on active elements are unique

Not compliant

  • Missing alt text on images
  • No accessible name on icons
  • No title for youtube iframe
  • Not all buttons have accessible names
  • Definition list items are not wrapped in ID elements

Delegate registration


  • Buttons have accessible name
  • Is scalable
  • Sufficient contrast ratio
  • Document has title
  • Heading elements appear in sequentially descending order

Not compliant

  • No alt text on some images
  • Map does not have title
  • Coupon code input field missing label
  • Contrast issue on steps text and empty cart text
  • Toggle has no label
  • Insufficient colour contrast on warning text
  • Heading element not in sequentially descending order

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

We have integrated WCAG 2.1 A.A guidelines into our design and development processes so all future products released by Oxford Abstracts will meet level A.A.

We aim to have resolved the accessibility issues identified in the ‘Audit findings summary’ section by the end of January 2024.

How we tested our domains

Our domains were tested in July 2023 internally using automated testing tools on all pages. We plan to continue to review using automated tools and will use manual testing procedures to cover things that may have been missed using automation. Our next review is planned for

October 2023 and this will include an audit of the administrator’s platform.

Content that is out of our control

Although we provide a standard template for all events, our system is customisable. Our clients are able to control font size, font colours, images and background colours according to their own internal branding.